
The Revolution Will Have a Beat - Libyan hiphop

I really need to learn Arabic. My dad explains that he is basically describing the atrocities Ghaddafi committed against Libya and celebrating our country's freedom. To a sick beat. There's tonnes more out there, I'm trawling through it now.

Here's a basic translation I just mocked up:

Respect to the Libyan revolutionary heroes
This is in memory of those who died for the cause

Libya’s free


We’ve been liberated from the aggressor, the oppressor
Our country has come back and it’s free,
Thanks to Allah, the most giving, now we have the taste of freedom

First, I want to congratulate the Libyan people for their victory from the oppressor
From God, the Greatest, this victory came

With the Libyan people’s patience, we got rid of him and his family
Liberating Tripoli was a hysterical night
That will stay forever in Libya’s memory
After we liberated you (Tripoli), you’ll forever be the capital of the people

Before we couldn’t breathe, but now we breathe the fresh sea breeze
He tried to divide us and he tried to destroy our unity
But the people said we are not a nation divided by tribes

Libyan people are one, no east, no west
We destroyed him and his mercenaries completely with our own hands

It took us months, thousands were killed, we sacrificed many things
Mothers mourned their children
These martyrs’ blood will not be for nothing
Now Libya is free from her oppressors

We’ve been liberated from the aggressor, the oppressor
Our country has come back and it’s free,
Thanks to Allah, the most giving, now we have the taste of freedom

Months of captivity and suffering
Are now replaced by happiness and celebrations
The celebration of victory and women shouting with joy fills the streets
The victory can be seen in the eyes of the little ones and the old ones

Come on, hand in hand, let’s build a new Libya
Our happiness was not complete until we liberated all of Libya

Forty two years of stealing and corruption
Forty two years of dictatorship and intimidation
We need a new Libya where no one can be intimidated
We need a new Libya, where everyone has rights

We have to achieve solidarity to take our country through this mess
We have to forgive each other, in the end we are all brothers
We don’t want any division between us
We don’t want to take revenge

Finally, I salute the martyrs
For sure you are heroes and you are the children of Omar Muktar

Crowd sings part of the new national anthem:
We will never be enslaved again
We are liberated and we liberated Libya, Libya, Libya

this is actually seriousstuff

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