
SHIT IS HOT! :: Poolside - Slow Down

Slow Down

Almost everyone selectively remembers summer for the best of what it has to offer: swimming, barbecues, and temperatures that don't numb anyone's appendages. But the heat of July and August can also make you feel on the verge of death, and the soundtrack to that oppression isn't what we typically call a summer jam. Enter "Slow Down," the drank-disco single from L.A. duo Poolside. With glossy synths that seem to hit in slow-mo and a bass that doesn't do much more than crawl, it's dance music for the chillout tent, a woozy song with a beat that sounds like it's constantly trying to unstick itself from something. You'll want to hear plenty of songs this summer when driving with the windows down, but "Slow Down" is for when it's too hot to do anything but lie in the shade.


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