Taking you way back to the baddest mofo in town ... ORIGINAL VIDEO!
No Boats
Cool Calm Pete - Lost
I put J-Live into Pandora the other day, and a song by Cool Calm Pete came up. I forget which one, having since purchased and listened to his 2005 album Lost a few times. Really nice, smooth stuff. Never heard of the guy before.
TONIGHT! for all you night owls, I'll be serving up another hearty helping of weighty bacon greased grimy goodness for your listening pleasure... It's a fresh serving of Dubstep For Breakfast on FuRTHeR DoWN THe WoBBLe HoLe. 2:30-5am on 89.3fm WNUR www.wnur.org
Not What You Know

I hit up Traxsource last night for some new cuts, and saw that I had one on my wishlist that my buddy Mazi posted about on his FB a while back. Mazi, AKA Audio Soul Project along with Nathan Larsen, is a hometown house head we should all know and love. A really nice guy too. This track is representatively dope.
I did a quick search to see if there was an embed of it somewhere I could throw up here, and there was not. There was however a TON of links to pirate sites with free downloads of it. I think that's a damn shame. Go check the Audio Soul Project Intravox mix of this release on Traxsource, and pay the damn $2 if you like it.
SHARKULA - The Man, The Myth, The Shark
About 6 months ago, I was in a diner in Noble Square at 5:00 getting some late night chow with friends. There were a couple of guys that were selling hip-hop cd's with covers mass produced at kinkos and sharpie labeled. I said what the hell and gave him $10 bucks for 3 cd's. Amongst the graffiti hyroglyphs on the cover I could make out Sharkula.com, 773 508 6654, No Facebook, MR Diffy Feb 17 2011 and letterhead from the Siskel Film Center.
I didn't get to them till about a week or two later. Sharkula sounds like the smoothest drunken freestyler ever ... that is meant as a compliment. This guy's got the rap attention span of a stoner with munchies at the 7-11. Yet he's got the vibe of the most laidback cat in the world. The love for his art cannot be denied.
After some investigation, I discovered that Sharkula aka Brian Wharton aka Thigahmahjiggee, or Thig is a Chicago native who's been earning a living hitting the pavement to sell his music straight to the man since the 90's. He's often accompanied on his songs with Jams Dean the Rapper.
There's a great Reader artticle on him here ~ Sharkula Hip-Hop Hustler. He's also got a documentary out. Short one below and full Sharkula: Diarrhea of a Madman available at local record shops everywhere. Check him out, support this bro and if you see him on the street, show some love.
Still Sharkula - Documentary
Apparently, Sharkula's got a fan page on facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sharkula/112073495472239
No Boats
Art of Almost
I had bought the new Wilco and DJ Shadow albums a few weeks back (been meaning to post this since!), and I cued em up back to back, Shadow first. The above song came on, and I thought it was still DJ Shadow until Jeff Tweedy's voice came in. The DJ Shadow album is generally awesome, as I think has been previously mentioned here. But I just love when Wilco gets a little experimental. I think they always pull it off well. The rest of the album is pretty good, fairly standard stuff. But this is awesome.
Listen all the way through, it's worth it.
Radiohiro & MC Zulu Anarchy In The Neighborhood LP MondoMIX
Radiohiro & MC Zulu Anarchy In The Neighborhood LP MondoMIX by freakeasy music
Radiohiro and MC Zulu's debut album: "Anarchy In The Neighborhood"
The Long anticipated debut release "Anarchy In The Neighborhood" from musical collaborators Radiohiro and MC Zulu has finally arrived. "Anarchy In The Neighborhood" merges musical styles ranging from the Burningman global dance scene all the way to the streets of Panama, as these two Chicago based producers push the envelope on dance music categorizations.
Known for his firey vocal stylings and a socially conscious lyrics, MC Zulu has gained international acclaim through his work with Ninja Tune's Ghislain Poirier, Kush Aurora, Chrissy Murderbot, and Liquid Stranger. Producer Radiohiro, known worlwide for his East Indian influenced chart topping dance music and remix work for Karsh Kale, Natacha Atlas, and the BBC Radio make this release one of a kind. From Soca Rhythms to Breaks, Drumstep to Dubstep, "Anarchy In The Neighborhood" is filled with heavy bass modifications and syncopated vocals that have already incited dancefloors across the globe.
Anarchy In The Neighborhood by Radiohiro and MC Zulu can be downloaded directly at iTunes. and also these links: Beatport Amazon Stream the entire record here: Radiohiro and MC Zulu - Anarchy In The Neighborhood Soundcloud Stream For artist relations, press and booking information please contact Patricia Nguyen at: triciaknew@gmail.com
Released by: Freakeasy Music Release date: Oct 26, 2010
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Radiohiro and MC Zulu's debut album: "Anarchy In The Neighborhood"
The Long anticipated debut release "Anarchy In The Neighborhood" from musical collaborators Radiohiro and MC Zulu has finally arrived. "Anarchy In The Neighborhood" merges musical styles ranging from the Burningman global dance scene all the way to the streets of Panama, as these two Chicago based producers push the envelope on dance music categorizations.
Known for his firey vocal stylings and a socially conscious lyrics, MC Zulu has gained international acclaim through his work with Ninja Tune's Ghislain Poirier, Kush Aurora, Chrissy Murderbot, and Liquid Stranger. Producer Radiohiro, known worlwide for his East Indian influenced chart topping dance music and remix work for Karsh Kale, Natacha Atlas, and the BBC Radio make this release one of a kind. From Soca Rhythms to Breaks, Drumstep to Dubstep, "Anarchy In The Neighborhood" is filled with heavy bass modifications and syncopated vocals that have already incited dancefloors across the globe.
Anarchy In The Neighborhood by Radiohiro and MC Zulu can be downloaded directly at iTunes. and also these links: Beatport Amazon Stream the entire record here: Radiohiro and MC Zulu - Anarchy In The Neighborhood Soundcloud Stream For artist relations, press and booking information please contact Patricia Nguyen at: triciaknew@gmail.com
Released by: Freakeasy Music Release date: Oct 26, 2010
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World Party - Message In The Box
I used to LOVE World Party. I saw them live with Faith No More and Leonard Cohen at Rock Am Ring in Germany in 1993. Led by Karl Wallinger, the band has a very Beatle-esque vibe.
No Boats
No Boats
Dead Prez - Bigger Than Hip Hop (Flufftronix Ghetto Re-fix)
This one gets the crowd pumping every time...
No Boats
No Boats
Orbital; and introducing Ansible-Futurist

This marks ansible-futurist's first post on the Barrel-dEM blog, home to my very close friend & DJ-sensei/jedi-master No Boats! I, ansible, am from Chicago, am a 21 year old college student studying abroad in Denmark this semester, and grew up listening to almost exclusively techno and house music thanks to an incredible cousin with incredible musical taste! My cousin gave me my first two CDs to use with my first cd-player way back in the day (when i was 9 or 10 i think), and they were mixtapes of the UK-based techno duo Orbital. Comprised of brothers Paul and Phil Hartnoll, I am still to this day left in awe at the epic journeys Orbital's tracks take from start to finish. As they are my most long-time favorite group/artist and possibly the most influential as far as my personal music production goes, my admiration and respect for them knows practically no bounds! I figure that paying them a tribute would serve as a fitting first post!
Here are a few choice nugs:
The girl with the sun in her head:
Halcyon (Tom Middleton Re-model) - Orbital:
Until next time, peace!
- ansible-futurist
Old School,
Paul Hartnoll,
Phil Hartnoll,
The Girl With the Sun in Her Head,
Tom Middleton,
DROP ACID IN PARIS :: Choice - Acid Eiffel
No Boats
Toad the Wet Sprocket - Chile
One of my favorite tunes from the 90's alt-rock band Toad the Wet Sprocket
No Boats
No Boats
MGMT - Time to Pretend
It's been a while since I've posted. Time to get back on that horse. What better song to start off a Sunday morning than this ~
No Boats
No Boats
There's an Erlend that Never Goes Out
One of my all time faves, and how I'm feeling tonite. Makes me want to buy a Volkswagen.
Get some new LIGHTS!!
OK everyone is totally over-playing the Bassnectar remix of Ellie Goulding's 'Lights'... so here are a couple of alternatives that are way better (IMO)
I Crave You, Black Rock City!
Stumbling around my post-playa heart-net connection and I find this.
Burning Man - Dripping in Gold from Rich Van Every on Vimeo.
Jon Sands' slam poetry makes me want to be a better person
"there are two strings attached to my shoulders that help me to love"
Cleveland in da Housse de Racket
So I was in Cleveland last week for my other blog (www.miriaminthemidwest.com) and in my research to find out what's moving and shaking over there I found this.
Yay bikes, rust belt cities and daytime disco!
Yay bikes, rust belt cities and daytime disco!
Hot Pants Bike Ride - Cleveland - 8-20-2011 from Dan Krivenki on Vimeo.
The Evening Cast - love'em
Yep - another Aussie band post!
The Evening Cast has just released their first EP and it's fab. They're in my hometown in Australia - you can see my local pub in the video for "Love is Mine"... and local vegetation in "The Rest" :)
The Evening Cast has just released their first EP and it's fab. They're in my hometown in Australia - you can see my local pub in the video for "Love is Mine"... and local vegetation in "The Rest" :)
New Body Count...
I have now made three girls and one boy piss themselves, all four in their teens to early twenties. Two grown adults flat out cry, one girl shriek to the point that she was not longer making discernible words. And an entire group jump back in total fear... Plus several children that I know will not be sleeping right for quite some time... Working at a haunted house is so much fun!
come check us out
come check us out
Ian Friday - Found Myself (feat. Chris Rob) - Lovestar Remix
still digging this comp, and had to rip this from vinyl to share it with you all.
The Cleveland Condition
sorry all my stuff is 6 months old and from australia.
the temper trap is really good. not whole album good, but their sound is unique. and i'm feeling kinda like this so here you go... not the official video, but that one is one of those that is so overwhelmingly cool itself that you lose the song. also i wanted to highlight the lyrics
and this boy and bear cover is also really good
i watched this in an australian beach house with amazing friends...
ok some boppy little red to get me out of my funk
the temper trap is really good. not whole album good, but their sound is unique. and i'm feeling kinda like this so here you go... not the official video, but that one is one of those that is so overwhelmingly cool itself that you lose the song. also i wanted to highlight the lyrics
and this boy and bear cover is also really good
i watched this in an australian beach house with amazing friends...
ok some boppy little red to get me out of my funk
Crowebot Heart
Whatup Barrel~dEMmers? Life is crazy right now, but I made time to get this mix down that's been percolating through my brain in some form since Burning Man. It's a lot of deepness, some straight up techno, and some real smoothness as well. Hope you enjoy. Feel free to download, or grab a CD from me at Decomp!
JUKE OF EARL :: Chrissy Murderbot - Girl
Chrissy Murderbot has been rocking the scene lately with his ghetto and juke influenced tracks. He'll be playing at Darkroom this Friday Oct 14 with Aran Daniels vs Mr Jooshua and Crystallize resident Duke Shin.
Chrissy Murderbot - Girl by chrissymurderbot
Chrissy Murderbot - Girl by chrissymurderbot
Digitalism - Stratosphere
Digitalism's newest album is pretty rocking. Here's the first cut, side A -
No Boats
No Boats
Tune in or else the goverment will be reading your thoughts...
Tonight! FuRTHeR DoWN THe WoBBLe HoLe on 89.3fm an/or www.wnur.org brought to you by your host and DJ... The man with a method to his madness jAspErwOckY. From 2:30-5am(sometime even earlier) bacon greased grimy goodness will be served hot and fresh off of the skillet, turn on, tune in, drop out, and get DOWN! (We're starting our evening off nicely Phaded.) http://www.soundcloud.com/jasperwocky
The Thin Red Line - Journey to the Line
This is my first soundtrack post to the blog. Coming from one of my favorite movies and favorite soundtracks, Hans Zimmer captures the futility of war perfectly in this haunting piece. The cello gives it that ghostly ethereal quality.
No Boats
No Boats
Surkin - USA (Album Teaser)
I must be psychic! Surkin's been on my mind for days and here he is getting ready to drop an album .. called USA, no less. I'll quote directly from the source after the teaser ~
Surkin - USA (Album Teaser) by Marble Music
SURKIN - USA (Out November 7th)
Hi. We at Marble are proud to announce that we’ll be releasing the debut full length by Surkin, called USA on November 7th. Originally designed to be out on Institubes, we immediately thought of Marble as the perfect platform to release it after the demise of our former label. It’ll feature 16 tracks, with guest vocals by Detroit’s Ann Saunderson and Chicago’s Kevin Irving (the voice of house blueprint « Move Your Body » by Marshall Jefferson), and two collaborations with longtime friend and labelmate Bobmo, whom with Surkin works as High Powered Boys.
It’s a joyous, juvenile, body-moving record, based on the idea of a radio station called Fireworks FM, set up in Silver Springs. The whole vibe exhales a fantasized eighties soundscape, infused with dance subgenres from that era but dramatically edited by Surkin’s own imaginary memories. Club tracks galore, but also expect more melodic, emotional mid-tempo cuts, but definitely not in a filler way. Mastery all over the place, yet infused with a tremendous feeling of exuberance and freedom. Needless to say it’s an instant classic.
Tracklist :
1. Intro 2. Lose Yourself (ft. Ann Saunderson) 3. Love Shot 4. I.N.Y.N 5. Fireworks Hotmix 6. Silver Island 7. White Knight Two 8. Rock It 9. Harry (ft. Bobmo) 10. Never Let Go (ft. Kevin Irving) 11. Fan Out 12. Gold Island 13. Ultra Light 14. Quattro (ft. Bobmo) 15. Silver Springs Anthem 16. End Morning
Released by: Marble Release/catalogue number: MRBL LP001
Surkin - USA (Album Teaser) by Marble Music
SURKIN - USA (Out November 7th)
Hi. We at Marble are proud to announce that we’ll be releasing the debut full length by Surkin, called USA on November 7th. Originally designed to be out on Institubes, we immediately thought of Marble as the perfect platform to release it after the demise of our former label. It’ll feature 16 tracks, with guest vocals by Detroit’s Ann Saunderson and Chicago’s Kevin Irving (the voice of house blueprint « Move Your Body » by Marshall Jefferson), and two collaborations with longtime friend and labelmate Bobmo, whom with Surkin works as High Powered Boys.
It’s a joyous, juvenile, body-moving record, based on the idea of a radio station called Fireworks FM, set up in Silver Springs. The whole vibe exhales a fantasized eighties soundscape, infused with dance subgenres from that era but dramatically edited by Surkin’s own imaginary memories. Club tracks galore, but also expect more melodic, emotional mid-tempo cuts, but definitely not in a filler way. Mastery all over the place, yet infused with a tremendous feeling of exuberance and freedom. Needless to say it’s an instant classic.
Tracklist :
1. Intro 2. Lose Yourself (ft. Ann Saunderson) 3. Love Shot 4. I.N.Y.N 5. Fireworks Hotmix 6. Silver Island 7. White Knight Two 8. Rock It 9. Harry (ft. Bobmo) 10. Never Let Go (ft. Kevin Irving) 11. Fan Out 12. Gold Island 13. Ultra Light 14. Quattro (ft. Bobmo) 15. Silver Springs Anthem 16. End Morning
Released by: Marble Release/catalogue number: MRBL LP001
Crystal Castles - Air War
My absolute favorite Crystal Castles song ....
No Boats
Well well well...
I've been working for a haunted house and the second night we were open I made one of the customers piss their pants... I'm doing something right.
Mode Selektor + Apparat = Pure Bliss
Moderat - Rusty Nails
wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub WUB wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub WUB wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub Wub
Moderat - A New Error
bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum BUM bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum BUM
Moderat - Seamonkey
No Boats
wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub WUB wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub WUB wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub Wub
Moderat - A New Error
bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum BUM bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum BUM
Moderat - Seamonkey
No Boats
Das Racist - Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell
After my friend and newly contributing blog poster Ansible-Futurist opened up as the DJ for these guys at Oberlin College, I had to check them out. Juvenile, retarded, blunted, literate oppurtunistic ... are a few words that come to mind. I love it. This song is about a quandry involving what I can only assume is a late night munchie mission ... where the two are trying to find each other in a Yum Branded restaurant. What ensues is hysterical!
Sunday Night Dance Party
Dance your way to monday morning...
Help me welcome our newest contributor Ansible-Futurist ... residing in Denmark by way of Chicago
Ansible-Futurist and I go way back. We used to DJ together late nights at my crib. In fact I posted his mix on here not too long ago. He should be getting started shortly. Thanks for being a part of this bro!
Undoubtedly the smoothest :: JOKERS OF THE SCENE
Hailing from the great white north, Jokers of the Scene may be Canada's greatest musical gift to the world. Fresh on the world a few years back, they were quickly recognized for their talent and were signed to A-Trak's Fool's Gold label. Always the pranksters, DJ Booth (is that the best DJ name ever or what?) and Chameleonic are rumored to be dropping their first album soon ... at least if you believe what you read on Facebook. If so, it could be the best news I've heard in some time. You see JOTS are known for their remixes, from the likes of Congorock, Bag Raiders and Feneche-Soler to Chromeo. So will this be an album of remixes or originals? It's hard to say, but either way ... I'm excited. Here are a few of my favorites from Jokers of the Scene to me to you~
Feneche-Soler - Demons(Jokers of the Scene remix)
Fenech-Soler "Demons (Jokers of the Scene Remix)" by
Jokers of the Scene
Funerals - AITU (Jokers of the Scene Remix)
FUNERALS "AITU (Jokers of the Scene Remix)" by Jokers of the Scene
Rob Threezy - The Change Up (Jokers of the Scene Remix)
Feneche-Soler - Demons(Jokers of the Scene remix)
Fenech-Soler "Demons (Jokers of the Scene Remix)" by
Jokers of the Scene
Funerals - AITU (Jokers of the Scene Remix)
FUNERALS "AITU (Jokers of the Scene Remix)" by Jokers of the Scene
Rob Threezy - The Change Up (Jokers of the Scene Remix)
Jamie Liddell on iMaschine
Good Morning.
this entire performance was done in one take. no edits, no post-edits. love it!
this entire performance was done in one take. no edits, no post-edits. love it!
UNKLE - Heaven
The only thing that beats a great song is a great video to go along with it. This one is directed by the great Spike Jonze.
Soho 808
My acquaintance DJ Jean Shorts pointed me in the direction of Soho 808. Check out their Soundcloud page for more tracks. Got to say i do love the deep disco.
finding myself particularly fond of this George Benson edit:
George Benson - What's On Your Mind (soho808 something's going on edit) by soho808
finding myself particularly fond of this George Benson edit:
George Benson - What's On Your Mind (soho808 something's going on edit) by soho808
Mad Styles and Crazy Visions 2
Just picked up this compilation the other day, and I have to say, I'm loving it. There are some sweet, soulful rhythms in this. a taste:
Soulful Sunday, Wait I mean monday.
I feel like im in 1980s Brooklyn weneva i blast tracks like...
and 2011 brooklyn weneva I pound beers to tracks like...
but im just in pilsen were i walk around and listen too...
-Lex Pleazys 1st post, after no boats attacked w a wooden spoon.
and 2011 brooklyn weneva I pound beers to tracks like...
but im just in pilsen were i walk around and listen too...
-Lex Pleazys 1st post, after no boats attacked w a wooden spoon.
Gil Mantera's Party Dream
I'm touring Indianapolis and Cleveland for my other blog (www.miriaminthemidwest.com) over the next 2 weeks. I'm making the time to go to Youngstown to meet and drool over my absolute favorite, bud sadly defunct, band - GIL MANTERA's MUTHAFUCKING PARTY DREAM.
Look, listen, laugh, love, be very very sad that you (and I) didn't see them live.
Look, listen, laugh, love, be very very sad that you (and I) didn't see them live.
Random Rab
I discovered Random Rab through the Cobra Cabaret's playlist (see previous post of that name). His clean beats just grab me. Hanging out on his SoundCloud is a good idea..
Touch by Random Rab
The Reflection (featuring Sasha Rose, Dakini Start & e.Ma) by Random Rab
(the first minute of the video is silent)
Touch by Random Rab
The Reflection (featuring Sasha Rose, Dakini Start & e.Ma) by Random Rab
(the first minute of the video is silent)
Sleeping With An Angel - Transformer 2 and Adamski
I first heard this song on a mix tape a friend brought back from Virginia in 1994. As with most cassettes i owned, the tape slowly degraded and broke apart, until eventually no amount of scotch tape would fix it. eventually, with the help of google, i finally figured out who made the song, and found a vinyl copy. it remains one of my favorites to this day. I love the dreaminess of this track.
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