
ALPINE :: Foolish and Damn Baby

I stopped my rent check last week to buy tickets to go to Sydney. And while I was there a girlfriend put ALPINE on... It's not summer in Australia now, but with these slinky and sweet tunes on, it's sunny where ever you are.



DANIEL JOHNS' solo album :: TALK

I live in Australia. You should probably have realized that by now, but you most likely don't know why.

SILVERCHAIR, more specifically, Daniel Johns. His ridiculous artistic talent has been evolving in it's expression for the past 20 years (yes frogstomp is 20 year's old, 6 year's older than Chris, Ben and Daniel were when the album was released).

I fell of the beautiful bandwagon for a few years, and this new music from Johns is absolutely nothing at all like anything you ever heard by Silverchair, but my oh my does the album that Johns released last month as a solo artist make me fall in love so many more times over again.

We all grow and change and I'm rapt with the evolution of Johns creative genius.
Preach boy, you are on fire, and don't ever stop.




PBS FM delivered this hot track when I was in my teddybear onesie packing for an impromptu weekend away. I had about 30 mins to pack... I spent 8 of them shaking my teddy bear ass to this track. Turn up the bass - that backline takes you out of this world


ALT-J :: Left Hand Free (Lido Remix)

I have no idea what the words are to the cocaine-like hook of this remix, but I'm attempting to replicate them nearly constantly. Watch out, it's that addictive.
A supremely staccato track, there's no smooth but lots of bounce, up and at'em and get it done in this track.



THIS WAY NORTH :: Pretty Much

I like the sweet and simple these days. There are more than enough planets  going backwards, plans falling through, complicated text messages and inside out upside down relationships going around to keep the masses entertained by drama and intrigue for centuries.

This Way North's clean california rock riff,  homicidally crisp and melodic drums and catchy repetitive message/lyric is soothing for my sore mind. Admittedly, the tune seems to refer to a relationship complication, but it's in the past, so I'm still in favor. Let's move through it, past it and sing along, shall we?

Reminds me of Friends and Sons of the Sun.. again, not complaining
