CHARIOTS OF WIRE :: Carts of Darkness (movie review)
Carts of Darkness
The 2008 Canadian documentary Carts of Darkness, is a story about those on the fringes of society. In North Vancouver, there are those homeless that collect cans and bottles in their shopping carts to sell for money. This enables the typical past time of drinking. Yet, there is another even more dangerous and possibly detrimental past time - shopping cart downhill. Basically, hauling ass downhill with only a shopping cart between you and some major road rash.
If you aren't familiar with the terrain, North Vancouver is jutted up next to a steep mountain. The downhill is very serious, and some of these racers have reached speeds up to 70 km/hr or 44 m/hr, with only their shoes as a break.
Some of them don't want to live by societies rules. Some of them can't. I believe it's a healthy point of view to see on occasion. They allow director Murray Siple into that world.
Carts of Darkness can be viewed in full on Youtube. Check it out embedded below.
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